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The OC Locker Room

Oregon City, OR

We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization who distributes sports equipment and uniforms to youth at no cost. We believe that every child in our community deserves an equal chance to be involved in sports and outdoor activities.

Donate Items:
We have multiple donation sites to drop off new and gently used (clean) sports equipment for children and teens.

Receive Items:
We have "The Store" at The Oregon City church of the Nazarene which is available to pick out the sporting equipment needed. Back parking lot, side WITHOUT stairs

Please check website for updates as the schedule for The Store and Donation Sites changes.

(Also, please remember that we are a small but mighty team. We do not staff the store regularly- please be flexible when requesting items. We will get back to you just as soon as we are able.)

Please always verify information with the organization itself.


Clothing Youth Children

Nearby Orgs

Evergreen Community Church

16940 S Beckman Rd, Oregon City, OR, 97045 - (3.76 miles away)

Free clothing Wednesdays from 9am-12pm

Google Maps image of location

716 Taylor St Oregon City., Oregon City, OR, 97045